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I'm still learning, enough to share them with you, not enough to brag about it.

This blog has curated resources and my learnings from the world of:
- Service Design
- CX Research
- UX Research

I started in 2000 to help you cultivate your educational curiosity and ignite your mind. This is why I’m here—to encourage you to keep asking questions and learn something new everyday.

Home: Welcome


I'm Biswajeeta Rath, from Bangalore, India. I'm a CX Professional who's ever curious about the next big thing. 
I started out as a social media and marketing consultant, slowly shifting my work into the big world of  CX Research. 
I believe in 'pay it forward - to give back'; this blog is an epitome of that.

Visit me to keep a track of what I'm up to. I don't shy away from curation - I am nit picky about what goes in this site - so I'll try my best to keep the site alive with new resources/ learnings from my professional and personal spheres. 
You are definitely welcome to give your feedback about what you see, or what you'd LIKE to see here:

Get in touch
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I will not sell your information (I swear.)
Site design and illustrations by Biswajeeta Rath

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